Friday, December 4, 2020

Futuristic Lifestyle: Post COVID Ecosystem

Owing to the global pandemic of COVID-2019, innovations, creativity, contrivance, and personalisation are gaining steam like never before. Corporate, services providers and individuals alike are factoring in personalisation in day-to-day affairs whether it is for interactions, customizing websites, customizing social interfaces, conceptualising marketing pedagogy & practices or horizontal spread of deliverables.

As a matter of fact, even before the pandemic situation had kicked in, personalisation was an oft-used buzzword. You have fashion and wellness goods to suit your style, situation, and type of requirement, at the same time gift items could be customised since ages, today even the marketing is hyper-localised and customised (remember Cadbury Celebrations ad during Diwali-2020?)

The pandemic has been able to bring to forefront and expedited the overall awareness, interest and desire for health and wellness related queries and related activities, be in exercising, maintaining physical fitness, watching your weight or to the more intensive taking care of the balanced intake of proteins, carbs, fats and vitamins in your diet. This no longer stays restricted to a select few so-called fitness enthusiasts/freaks. In the same breath, regarding lifestyle modification, we have the notion that avoiding junk food and exercising is enough. People who exercise may succumb to the same strenuous exercises and those who adopt a new “healthy dietary style” may become victims of metabolic diseases like diabetes, hypertension etc., because it is almost impossible to consider one-size-fits-all attitude and the exercise and diet which suits one person may not suit the other.

This fact brings out the importance of personalisation or customisation. Companies are up for the challenge and are already offering free consultations to find apt products which suit the client. Similar to how medical science is moving towards precision medicine for a better outcome, the wellness sector is treading towards adoption of personalised lifestyle management for solving problems related to lifestyle diseases.

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