Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Farm Laws

Agriculture with its combined sector is the largest source of income in India. Agriculture is an intricate issue that raises important questions not just for India but for all economies struggling to strike a balance between the market and the state. 

The three controversial laws have been drawing flak since the beginning which led to protests and agitations. The major representation of farmers had been demanding its' repealing as they perceive them to be pro-corporations and to be very anti-farmers. Meanwhile, the electricity (amendment) bill, 2020, have also been opposed by the farmers' community as they term it to be nothing but a bait set by the government so that big corporation will have more profit.

While there have been lot of debate, criticisms, discussions, clarifications, explanations, political tug-of-war, and coherence around the laws, the experts are of the opinion that it is not a union subject but a state subject and it is up to those to decide what will be best suited for their farmers’ income. Both state and union have the power to control the production, distribution, and products of the industry including agriculture. 

Agriculture plays an important role in our country to become “atma-nirbhar” and for that to happen it is important to strengthen the agrarian sector. The laws are facing criticism due to the loopholes around MSP, APMC, indirect tax/revenue management, as those loopholes can bring nothing but "corporate-nirbhar" India but if we can reform them in a way that those loopholes will repeal then these laws can bring a good change in the society.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Freelance Portfolio Professional

A portfolio professional is the new generation of entrepreneur;  someone who mixes and matches several jobs or sources of income. potential clients, problems or opportunities, drawbacks and advantage of the opportunities available, value proposition with your product or service, and very importantly points or reasons for frustration.

Think about who you will be selling your services/products to and who they are. Are there multiple groups or types of individuals? Who would you love to have as your potential clients? What characteristics define them? You want to have an intimate understanding of your clients and their problems or opportunities. What are they thinking about now? What possibility would be exciting to them? 

You want to have an intimate understanding of your clients and their problems or opportunities. What are they thinking about now? What possibility would be exciting to them? Do they value speed, quality, price or customer service? What values do your clients hold for themselves, e.g. efficiency, career, professionalism, an appreciation of great design? On the other hand, what would rub them up the wrong way? What frustrates them? How do they find and buy support?