Thursday, December 2, 2021

Freelance Portfolio Professional

A portfolio professional is the new generation of entrepreneur;  someone who mixes and matches several jobs or sources of income. potential clients, problems or opportunities, drawbacks and advantage of the opportunities available, value proposition with your product or service, and very importantly points or reasons for frustration.

Think about who you will be selling your services/products to and who they are. Are there multiple groups or types of individuals? Who would you love to have as your potential clients? What characteristics define them? You want to have an intimate understanding of your clients and their problems or opportunities. What are they thinking about now? What possibility would be exciting to them? 

You want to have an intimate understanding of your clients and their problems or opportunities. What are they thinking about now? What possibility would be exciting to them? Do they value speed, quality, price or customer service? What values do your clients hold for themselves, e.g. efficiency, career, professionalism, an appreciation of great design? On the other hand, what would rub them up the wrong way? What frustrates them? How do they find and buy support?

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