Monday, September 26, 2022

Productivity at Workplace

The theory without practical is lame and practical without theory is blind.

Employee productivity is a serious workplace problem and an expensive occurrence for both employers and employees, as well as unpredictable in nature. The productivity of the employees is critical to raise employees’ performance which contributes to the success of organizations, and it is influenced by many factors.

The working environment plays a key role in the employee’s productivity. The working environment is argued to impact immensely on employee’s productivity either towards negative or the positive outcomes. Various thoughts indicate that the factors such as dissatisfaction, cluttered workplaces and the physical environment are playing a major role in the loss of employee’s productivity, which depends on the willingness and the openness of the employees themselves on doing their job. Furthermore, a reward system based on the productivity of the employees motivates them to perform more of their tasks.

There are several factors such as physical work environment, equipment, meaningful work, productivity expectation, and feedback on productivity, reward for good or ineffective system, standard operating procedures, knowledge, skills, and attitudes contribute to employees’ productivity.

The job satisfaction-productivity linkage has been primarily discussed by theorists from these perspectives - 

  • Organizational productivity depends on congruence between the technical and social structures of the organization
  • The human relations perspective posits that satisfied workers are productive workers

Organizational productivity and efficiency are achieved through employee satisfaction and attention to employees’ physical as well as socio-emotional needs, best achieved by providing autonomy, participation, and mutual trust.

The success of an organization is a function of the productivity of the employees and is a driving force which will push these critical elements of the organization to improve and deliver better performance to push the improvements in the job performance. This research has explored the meaning of. Each factor, namely, work environment, organization culture, and leadership style have a different impact on the productivity of the employees. Furthermore, there are specific dimensions related to culture that impact productivity like creativity level. As for the work environment, all the factors that go under it have an influence on employees’ productivity.

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