Thursday, October 19, 2023

Money, More Money, Even More Money

To some people, money is power. To some money equals status and prestige, while for others it means security. For some people money allows them to get the things they want in life. Others just want to have enough to meet their needs. How important is money and what role does it play in your life?

While money allows you to function suitably in a capitalistic world, many people do not associate positive emotions with it. Money is associated by people as something that belongs to the future and is supposed to make it secure. This makes a lot of people go through a guilt-trip when it is spent, which eventually leads them to compare themselves with their peers. This induced peer pressure spirals into self-doubt, negative self-talk, and messy future thoughts. Despite all this, there is something that binds all our thoughts, apprehensions, and plannings - everyone is very emotional about money.

The psychology behind our relationship with money is very underrated and there is a great deal of undercurrent to the confusing emotions many of us feel when it comes to our finances. Our feelings are always unrelated to the financial decisions we make and indicative of something much deeper.

Anything important in our lives is emotional. Our relationships are emotional, our work is emotional, and so is our money.

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